Oh, Baby

Whenever I hear the term 'bubbling up', I think of two things. Joy, because when I feel it, it bubbles up, and Grace because to me, she is the very image of bubbling up.
Before she came about, I was always wondering what she would be like compared to Adora.
Would her hair be lighter or darker than Adora's? Would she have more or less of a temper than Adora.
Technically you can compare them, and sometimes I do.
But there really is no point, because Grace is Grace. When I look at her face, all I see is Grace and all that she was created to be. What purpose does God have for this future woman? You can see a shadow of it if you catch her in the right light. Can you imagine the waves she will create? The impact He has designed for her to have on this world? The unique and powerful way she is intended to reveal His glory? You can see it already.
It's beginning to bubble out.
Get ready world, here comes Grace.
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